The server is owned by Martin "Martian" Tithonium.
Midgard is a dedicated MOO server.
The MOO server is currently running the following Daemons in-DB:
- MOO Login (port 1359)
(Standard LambdaCORE '97 functionality,
transfered completely to $login.)
- HTTP (port 80)
All objects are capable of generating their own,
dynamic html pages, or feeding static pages from a property.
- SMTP (port 25)
Midgard can process its own outgoing and incoming Internet email.
Players can receive email sent to them in-MOO.
- POP3 (port 110)
Players can use a standard POP3-compliant mail reader (Eudora, Netscape, etc)
to download and read their MOOMail.
- Finger (port 79)
Using any finger client (available on most operating systems with Internet access),
people can see who is online, or get specific information about characters.
- Mancala (port 4848)
Enables people with the proper clients
to play Mancala against people anywhere on the network.
- Programming Interface (port 1357)
A specialized access protocol for programming the MOO without interfering with
a normal MOOing session.
- Who Server (port 1355)
Provides @who style listings to both telnet and HTTP clients.